TeamBirth Prenatal Booklet

The TeamBirth Prenatal Booklet is designed to introduce patients to TeamBirth as they prepare for labor and delivery. The booklet helps clinicians familiarize patients with TeamBirth concepts and begin building a foundation for collaboration and clear communication among all members of the care team.

By engaging patients early, clinicians can help foster trust, ensure that patients feel informed and empowered, and encourage active participation in shared decision-making. This early engagement also allows the care team to clarify expectations, address concerns, and create a shared understanding of the patient’s preferences. 

The goals of the TeamBirth Prenatal Booklet are to:

  1. Support patients in understanding their role on the care team during TeamBirth huddles;
  2. Help patients gain clarity on their expectations, hopes, and fears for labor and delivery so that they’re better able to express their preferences and ask for the support they need
  3. Empower patients to own their birth stories by providing prompts to articulate their experiences 

Are you an implementer? We want to hear from you! Please click this link to share your thoughts on how implementation of the TeamBirth Prenatal Booklet is going.