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By Avery Plough, MPH; Amber Weiseth, DNP, MSN, RNC-OB; Elizabeth Curtis; Joyce Edmonds, PhD, MPH, RN; Monica Christina Esqueda, PhD; Heather M. Young, PhD, RN, FAAN; Neel Shah, MD, MPP The rapid and unyielding spread of the COVID-19 pandemic has radically changed how health care is administered, delivered, and experienced. While this is true across… Continue reading Accelerating Momentum: How COVID-19 Presents an Opportunity to Improve How We Care for Birthing People
FEBRUARY 4, 2019 BOSTON – A targeted effort to make hospital cesarean delivery rates transparent and understood by women increased their awareness of this important quality measure, but did not drive them to choose hospitals with lower rates, according to a new study. The randomized controlled trial of 18,293 women was published Monday in the… Continue reading Study finds campaign to educate women on hospital C-section rates does not change their choice of hospitals
Embargoed for release: Tuesday, July 11, 2017, 5:00 PM ET Key takeaway: A study of 53 hospitals found that certain management practices in labor and delivery units were associated with higher rates of cesarean deliveries and complications, independent of women’s health Boston, MA ─ The way certain hospital labor and delivery units are managed may put healthy women… Continue reading Hospital management practices may put women at risk for C-sections, complications during childbirth
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media contact: Deborah O’Neil O: 617-384-5588 C: 305-215-5675 E: doneil@ariadnelabs.org BOSTON, MA (Jan. 26, 2017) — Even though the hospital where a woman gives birth may be her biggest risk factor for having an unnecessary C-section, a new study by Ariadne Labs suggests most women don’t factor hospital quality into their decision… Continue reading Most women don’t value hospital C-section rates in choosing where to give birth, according to new study