Join us for another Ariadne Labs Innovation Meeting of the Ariadne Labs Research Community (ALRC). We are excited to be joined by Dr. Mai Pham!
Hoangmai (Mai) H. Pham, MD MPH, President and CEO of Institute for Exceptional Care (IEC), is a general internist and national health policy leader and mother to two beautiful young men, one of whom is autistic. Dr. Pham was previously Vice President, Provider Alignment Solutions at Anthem, Inc., responsible for value-based care initiatives at the country’s second largest health insurance company. Prior to Anthem, she served as Chief Innovation Officer at the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation, where she was a founding official, and the architect of Medicare’s foundational programs on accountable care organizations and primary care. She has published extensively in the medical literature on provider payment policy and its intersection with health disparities, care coordination, quality performance, provider behavior, and market trends. Dr. Pham serves on the boards of Atlantic Health Systems and the Coalition to Transform Advanced Care, and the National Advisory Council for the Agency on Healthcare Research and Quality. She also serves on Faculty at the Institute for Healthcare Improvement. Dr. Pham earned her A.B. from Harvard University, her M.D. from Temple University, and her M.P.H. from Johns Hopkins University where she was also a Robert Wood Johnson Clinical Scholar.
Equal ≠ The Same: People with Disabilities Show How Person-Centeredness and Universal Design Can Co-Exist in Healthcare
May 25
4:00 pm