The Pathway to Accountability, Compassion, and Transparency (PACT) is a learning community committed to improving the way healthcare organizations respond to and learn from harm events. PACT seeks to ensure that every healthcare organization has a comprehensive, highly reliable Communication and Resolution Program (CRP) in place for responding when patients are harmed by their care.
PACT supports organizations in all phases of their CRP journey.
- The PACT Community of Practice is for those brand new to CRPs and want to explore the concepts on their own time.
- The PACT Collaborative is for organizations ready to implement or strengthen their CRP.
- The PACT Leadership and Innovation Network is for organizations with mature CRPs that want to focus on the sustainability of their CRP and to be leaders in the field.
PACT was founded in 2021 as a Breakthrough Series Collaborative led by three non-profits: Ariadne Labs, the Collaborative for Accountability and Improvement, and the Institute for Healthcare Improvement.