NEWS - Press Release
Amber Weiseth, DNP, RNC-OB to Lead Ariadne Labs’ Delivery Decisions Initiative

Amber Weiseth, DNP, MSN, RNC-OB, named the Director of the Delivery Decisions Initiative (DDI).

Oct 1 2021
COVID: Obstetrics

Innovating around the impacts of COVID-19 on obstetric services from prenatal, labor and delivery, and postnatal care.

Wall Street Journal: Covid-19 Is Killing Hundreds of Pregnant Women and Babies in Brazil

Dr. Neel Shah comments on the concerning state of maternal care in Brazil.

May 27 2021
Webinar: Overcoming Challenges in Maternal-Newborn Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Best Practices From Around the World

BetterBirth Safe Childbirth Checklist Webinar #4 Tuesday, March 30th from 9am-10am EST The BetterBirth Community of Practice will be hosting four panelists from around the globe to share their lessons learned and best practices for overcoming challenges in maternal-newborn health during the COVID-19 pandemic. If you are unable to join us for this webinar or… Continue reading Webinar: Overcoming Challenges in Maternal-Newborn Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Best Practices From Around the World

COVID-19 and the Momentum for Better Maternal Health Care

This report is intended to provide a road map for health systems leaders to select where to invest in the near term to help bring these systems changes into reality.

Consumer Reports: Preparing to Give Birth During the Pandemic

Dr. Neel Shah comments on the challenges faced by pregnant people during COVID-19, and the policies needed for support and safety.

Nov 16 2020
New York Times: Coronavirus May Increase Premature Births, Studies Suggest

Dr. Neel Shah comments on the need to prioritize and protect pregnant women during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Sep 17 2020
NEWS - Perspectives
Healthy Newborn Network: Improving postpartum education: more important than ever

Members of Ariadne Labs’ BetterBirth team and Noora Health discuss the importance of educating new mothers and their families in India, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Aug 15 2020
Self: Coronavirus Might Make Black Maternal Mortality Even Worse

Dr. Neel Shah comments on maternal health issues faced by Black women in the wake of COVID-19.

Aug 11 2020