More than 140 members of the Ariadne Labs community gathered for the annual Year-End Health Systems Innovation Meeting in June to learn about ongoing research and welcome new faculty members.
Following a “one-slide, five-minute” format, 11 physicians and researchers from the Ariadne Labs associate and affiliate faculty presented their ongoing work in a variety of clinical and health managements areas, ranging from preventing bloodstream infections in children with cancer, to having serious illness conversations with dialysis patients, and the impact of surgeons’ non-technical skills on the outcome of surgery.

Ariadne Labs Executive Director Dr. Atul Gawande also announced the new 2016-17 faculty membership. With 27 new associate and affiliate faculty members joining Ariadne Labs, the total community is now 78 world-class health care professionals from Harvard affiliated organizations (associate) and non-Harvard organizations (affiliate). The faculty include health physicians, researchers, clinicians, entrepreneurs, and business leaders who come together to identify and solve health care failures. Through Ariadne Labs, they have the opportunity to grow their cutting edge ideas through interdisciplinary collaboration, funding and mentorship. The vision is to build a community of researchers and innovators who are advancing the science of systems strengthening for better care.
See a complete list of our 2016-17 Associate and Affiliate Faculty.