Results for "betterbirth"

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BetterBirth Program and Study Partners Present Results of LIFE Study on Recent Webinar

Researchers from Ariadne Labs’ BetterBirth Program and study partners presented key findings from the Low Birthweight Infant Feeding Exploration (LIFE) study during an April 26, 2022 webinar.  20.5 million infants are born low birthweight each year. These infants account for more than 80% of newborn deaths and are at increased risk for illness, growth deficits,… Continue reading BetterBirth Program and Study Partners Present Results of LIFE Study on Recent Webinar

May 5 2022

The BetterBirth Program partners with multilateral organizations, foundations, government and non-government organizations, academic institutions, program implementers, clinicians, and private sector companies whose missions support our vision. Together, we work to  improve the quality and standards of care, minimize complications, and end the preventable deaths of women, newborns, and infants through effective implementation of evidence-based, scalable… Continue reading BETTERBIRTH PARTNERS


Ensuring better health and wellbeing for women, newborns, and infants