At the Global Conference on Primary Health Care and the Declaration of Astana, a series of brief country case studies on various Primary Health Care (PHC) reforms over the past four decades were completed and published. The Ariadne Labs Primary Health Care team collaborated with our partners and the WHO to support the development these case studies. The case studies illustrate different aspects of PHC, focusing on successful interventions but also highlighting ongoing challenges. They were chosen to represent the experience of a diverse range of countries, each with different population health needs, health system development, and levels of resources.
The aim of the series is to demonstrate how commitment to PHC can be translated into action, highlight common challenges, showcase what has worked well, and provide examples for policymakers and other stakeholders who are committed to transformation in support of PHC. The cases include those that focus on health sector reform and those using the “health in all policies” (HiAp) approach.
Follow this link to the WHO to review all of the WHO Primary Health Care Case Studies
We have also highlighted the case studies that were developed by the Ariadne Labs Primary Health Care team below:
- China: Multidisciplinary teams and integrated service delivery across levels of care;
- Egypt: Health sector reform;
- Estonia: The development of family practice to support universal health coverage;
- Ghana: Community engagement, financial protection and expanding rural access;
- Iran
- Samoa: Engaging people for health promotion;
- Sri Lanka: Community-based workforce development for maternal and child health;
- Thailand: Development of primary care;
- Turkey: Family practice for quality in universal health coverage and
- Viet Nam: Improving equity in access to primary care.