Ariadne Labs’ Associate Director of Safe Surgery, Dr. Alex Haynes, joined Harvard Chan’s This Week in Health to discuss his new research examining the relationship between C-section rates and maternal and neonatal mortality in 194 countries. The research concludes that as the country-level C- section rate increases up to 19 percent, maternal and neonatal mortality rates… Continue reading Dr. Alex Haynes discusses what C-sections can tell us about a health system
New study suggests World Health Organization recommendation for cesarean delivery rates should be re-examined MEDIA ADVISORY: To contact Dr. Alex Haynes or Dr. George Molina call Deborah O’Neil at 305-215-5675 or email To contact Dr. Thomas G. Weiser call Ruthann Richter at 650-725-8047 or email Boston, MA and Palo Alto, CA — The… Continue reading Optimal country-level C-section rate may be as high as 19 percent to save lives of mothers and infants