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Safe Surgery Checklist Template (Two Page)

This template is ideal for organizations that wish to have the before induction of anesthesia portion of the checklist completed in the preoperative area with the anesthesia professional and nurse. This approach should only be used when the anesthesia professional and circulator are able to go to the pre-op area to review the checklist with the patient at the same time.

WHO Surgical Safety Checklist (Spanish)

This 19 item checklist has shown to significantly reduce both morbidity and mortality. Along with decreasing errors and adverse events, it can increase teamwork and communication in surgery.

WHO Surgical Safety Checklist (French)

This 19 item checklist has shown to significantly reduce both morbidity and mortality. Along with decreasing errors and adverse events, it can increase teamwork and communication in surgery.

A Checklist for Checklists

This tool is designed to aid the checklist creation process and ensure your checklist helps instead of hurts.

WHO H1N1 Checklist

This tool was developed in response to the pandemic threat by influenza A (H1N1) strain.

WHO Surgical Safety Checklist (English)

This 19 item checklist has shown to significantly reduce both morbidity and mortality. Along with decreasing errors and adverse events, it can increase teamwork and communication in surgery.

Watch the video: Atul Gawande leads panel with President Obama on the future of medicine

Dr. Atul Gawande moderated a Presidential Plenary on the future of medicine and health care innovation with President Barack Obama at the White House Frontiers Conference on Oct 13. In his remarks, Dr. Gawande, executive director of Ariadne Labs, spoke of changes needed in the next century of science. “The last century was the century of… Continue reading Watch the video: Atul Gawande leads panel with President Obama on the future of medicine