New Ideas From Ariadne Labs Experts
By Anupama Murthy, MD; Mary Brindle, MD, MPH; Alex B. Haynes, MD, MPH; and George Molina, MD, MPH Twelve years ago, the World Health Organization’s Surgical Safety Checklist was introduced in a publication in The New England Journal of Medicine, sparking a worldwide movement to improve the culture of surgical safety. A major study in Scotland subsequently indicated that the use… Continue reading Improving the Implementation of the World Health Organization Surgical Safety Checklist
By Stephanie Schorow for the Global Mass Vaccination Collaborative May 13, 2022 Lisez ceci en français. Barely a year ago, the first vaccines against COVID-19 rolled out, raising hopes and posing challenges for efforts to halt the spread of the pandemic. To say it’s been a rollercoaster for vaccination professionals would be putting it mildly.… Continue reading What We Have Learned from Mass Vaccination Sites
Read in English Par Stephanie Schorow pour Global Mass Vaccination Site Collaborative Il y a à peine un an, les premiers vaccins contre la COVID-19 ont été déployés, suscitant des espoirs et posant des défis pour les efforts visant à stopper la propagation de la pandémie. Le moins que l’on puisse dire, c’est que les professionnels… Continue reading Ce que nous avons appris des sites de vaccination de masse
By Stephanie Schorow for the Global Mass Vaccination Collaborative Lisez ceci en français. When trying to get as many shots in arms as possible, the question of who will do the jab becomes a key consideration. Also important is who will keep records, clean the facilities, organize supplies and even greet patients. Mass vaccination sites… Continue reading Considerations When Staffing Mass Vaccination Sites
Read in English Par Stephanie Schorow pour Global Mass Vaccination Site Collaborative Lorsque l’on essaie d’obtenir le plus grand nombre possible de vaccins dans les bras, la question de savoir qui fera la piqûre devient une considération essentielle. Il est également important de savoir qui tiendra les registres, nettoiera les locaux, organisera les fournitures et… Continue reading Considérations relatives à la dotation en personnel des sites de vaccination de masse
April 8, 2022 Lisez ceci en français By Stephanie Schorow for the Global Mass Vaccination Site Collaborative The first confirmed COVID-19 case in South Sudan, a country of about 13.6 million people, was recorded on April 5, 2020. Nearly a year later, in March of 2021, the first vaccine rollout began with 132,000 doses of… Continue reading South Sudan Amps Up COVID-19 Vaccinations with Strategic Communication and Collaborations
March 11, 2022 Lisez ceci en français By Stephanie Schorow for the Global Mass Vaccination Site Collaborative The need for COVID-19 vaccinations is universal, but ways of effectively administering those vaccines can vary dramatically from country to country. In Brazil, for example, the population is accustomed to mass vaccination campaigns and generally feels comfortable going… Continue reading Not All Mass Vaccination Campaigns Should Be Alike
8 avril 2022 Read in English. Par Stephanie Schorow pour Global Mass Vaccination Site Collaborative Le premier cas confirmé de COVID-19 au Soudan du Sud, un pays d’environ 13,6 millions de personnes, a été enregistré le 5 avril 2020. Près d’un an plus tard, en mars 2021, le premier déploiement de vaccins a commencé avec la réception de 132 000 doses de… Continue reading Le Soudan du Sud accélère les vaccinations contre le COVID-19 grâce à une communication et des collaborations stratégiques
25 mars 2022 Read in English Par Stephanie Schorow pour Global Mass Vaccination Site Collaborative Lorsque les responsables de la santé publique du nord du Ghana, une région d’un peu plus de 2 millions d’habitants, ont lancé la campagne de vaccination contre le COVID-19, ils ont découvert qu’une partie importante de la population réfutait l’existence du COVID-19. Ou… Continue reading Les Market Queens, les associations de football, les églises et les mosquées soutiennent les efforts de vaccination contre le COVID-19 dans le nord du Ghana
March 25, 2022 Lisez ceci en français. By Stephanie Schorow for the Global Mass Vaccination Site Collaborative When public health officials in northern Ghana, a region with a population of a little over 2 million, began the push for COVID-19 vaccinations, they found a significant portion of the population didn’t believe COVID-19 existed. Or if… Continue reading Market Queens, Football Associations, Churches, and Mosques Aid COVID-19 Vaccination Efforts in Northern Ghana