Dr. Asaf Bitton in the New York Times on how the Delta variant is changing advice for the vaccinated.

Focusing on communicating simple, easy to use information for the general public to mitigate the exposure and spread of COVID-19.

14 mai 2021 Read in English here. Qu’est-ce qui incite les gens à se faire vacciner ? Dans le cas de Green Bay, dans le Wisconsin, il s’agissait peut-être de la possibilité d’admirer le Lambeau Field, le stade des Green Bay Packers, depuis les fauteuils VIP. Au cours de la réunion de la collaboration du 14 mai,… Continue reading La peur? Le football? Des boissons gratuites? Des cadeaux? Ce qui motive les gens à se faire vacciner

Toolkit to support health care providers discuss the COVID-19 vaccine with hesitant patients.

Dr. Daniela Lamas on what she’ll keep doing after the pandemic, along with 11 others.
Dr. Evan Benjamin comments on addressing concerns that people may have about COVID-19 vaccines.
Dr. Asaf Bitton offers guidance on family celebrations and travel.

Dr. Weintraub in the Miami Herald on the importance of an efficient vaccine delivery system.
Salon covers the Atlantic’s piece on Bhutan’s pandemic response.
Dr. Asaf Bitton comments on public health lessons that the U.S. can learn from other countries.