The Challenge The COVID-19 pandemic has put the limitations of our health system into stark relief. It has also created a new set of extraordinary challenges. Across the country, clinicians are responding to rising COVID-19 cases amid shifting guidance, strained capacity, and personal risk. Hospitals have had to restrict visitors, postpone scheduled appointments and surgeries,… Continue reading COVID-19 and the Momentum for Better Maternal Health Care

TeamBirth is a groundbreaking approach to clinical care.

Transforming childbirth with solutions that promote quality, dignity, and equity.

The launch of the TeamBirth initiative at two more health systems in Tulsa, Oklahoma, drew wide attention from the local media and highlighted the effort to ensure women having babies are heard and their needs are met. TeamBirth is the centerpiece initiative of Ariadne Labs’ Delivery Decisions Initiative and aims to improve maternal and neonatal… Continue reading TeamBirth Launch in Tulsa Generates Media Coverage on the Need for Teamwork and Communication for Those Giving Birth

This report is intended to provide a road map for health systems leaders to select where to invest in the near term to help bring these systems changes into reality.