Researchers Find Vast Disparity in Access to High-Quality Primary Health Care in Haiti

Harvard researchers studying primary health care in Haiti have developed a method of analyzing medical facilities that could help developing nations the world over improve their healthcare services. The results were recently published in the peer-reviewed journal Bulletin of the World Health Organization. Dr. Margaret Kruk is the study’s senior author and serves as associate professor… Continue reading Researchers Find Vast Disparity in Access to High-Quality Primary Health Care in Haiti

Apr 4 2017
Deepening Health Reform In China – Building High-Quality And Value-Based Service Delivery

The Ariadne Labs Primary Health Care Team took part in a landmark study led by the World Bank on how to reform China’s health care system.  Read the chapter authored by Ariadne Labs, “Lever 1: Shaping Tiered Health Care Delivery with People-Centered Integrated Care,” beginning on page 55. The complete study was organized jointly by… Continue reading Deepening Health Reform In China – Building High-Quality And Value-Based Service Delivery

Primary Health Care That Works: The Costa Rican Experience

Read article in Health Affairs Ariadne Labs’ March 2017 study analyzes how Costa Rica has built one of the highest functioning primary health care systems in the world. Copyrighted and published by Project HOPE/Health Affairs as: Madeline Pesec, Hannah L. Ratcliffe, Ami Karlage, Lisa R. Hirschhorn, Atul Gawande, and Asaf Bitton “Primary Health Care That… Continue reading Primary Health Care That Works: The Costa Rican Experience

When Will We Grasp the Power of Incremental Care?

In the January 23, 2017, issue of The New Yorker, in “Tell Me Where It Hurts” (p. 36), Atul Gawande explores the state of health care in America, particularly our emphasis on rescue medicine and neglect of the kind of steady, intimate care over time that often helps people more. Our health-care system was built at a time… Continue reading When Will We Grasp the Power of Incremental Care?

Jan 16 2017
New research identifies significant variation in health outcomes across hospitals

BOSTON, December 14, 2016—A pioneering study of over 22 million hospital admissions found significant variation in health outcomes across the United States. Patients in low-performing hospitals (bottom 10%) are three times more likely to die and 13 times more likely to experience complications than those in high-performing hospitals (top 10%). These are the key findings… Continue reading New research identifies significant variation in health outcomes across hospitals

Dec 15 2016