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Research, Tools, and Guides

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Developing and Implementing a Colorectal Cancer Ambulatory Safety Net

Ambulatory safety nets help provide a safeguard against delays and errors in cancer diagnosis by allowing health systems to efficiently identify patients in need of follow up after receiving abnormal screening results. Ariadne Labs and CRICO convened a working group to develop recommendations on how health systems can effectively implement these life-saving programs in the context of colorectal cancer screening. The recommendations included in this guide are a starting point for successful implementation and will need to be adapted to the unique context of each organization to support its strategic goals.

LIFE: Low Birthweight Infant Feeding Exploration Study Executive Summary

The Executive Summary details study findings for infants from birth to one year. It outlines key actions for an evidence-based approach to improve growth, survival, and development outcomes for these infants, with a focus on early identification of the highest risk infants to allow for early intervention.

Improving communication and teamwork during labor: A feasibility, acceptability, and safety study

The Delivery Decisions Initiative publishes on the feasibility, acceptability, and safety of the TeamBirth care process in Birth.

Exemplars in Global Health: Costa Rica’s health success due to PHC – not because it’s a ‘crazy, magical place’

Exemplars in Global Health talk with Hannah Ratcliffe, Ariadne Labs’ former associate director of research for PHC, and Dr. Madeline Pesec, a PHC research assistant at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, about their research on the Costa Rican system and what lessons it could hold for other countries.